Girls Building Empires Review – How to become an Instagram Influencer?


A social media influencer with billions of followers is the new celebrity. However, for most industries – influencer marketing has moved beyond just showbiz stars. Today, anyone can become an influencer regardless of age or experience in any niche you choose. All that’s required is to be able to generate buzz around your content.

How many followers do I need?

The more followers you have on social media networks like Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, etc., the better it will be for your business. But there are no specific numbers you should follow religiously because the number depends upon different factors like industry type and target audience. However, having 5k-10k is a sensible follower base.

Gaining fame:

As a social media influencer, you can gain popularity in different ways – one way is by creating helpful content and sharing it with your connections. Another way is answering questions asked by people in your field (if you are an expert) on various digital communities like Quora.

GBE Review – Becoming a Social Media Influencer?

You can learn the fundamentals by signing up for a course like Girls Building Empires. It is a training program that teaches Instagram marketing.

Girls Building Empires is focused on Instagram, but you can use the same techniques on other platforms. Compared to other courses, this one provides tons of valuable information. It also helps you build a successful social media presence. That is the perfect program for women of all ages to grow their social media accounts and make money online.

Who should join?

The course is ideal for young girls or women who are into fashion and beauty products. The program is not expensive at all, and anybody can afford it. There is excellent value for your money because you will become a part of the community to learn from other social media influencers.

Can you make money as an Influencer?

As an influencer, you don’t have to focus on building your followers. It is equally important that you can monetize your influence. For this, you should start with affiliate marketing or personal advertisements. You can also take into account sponsored posts which will help you earn extra money. The good thing about the GBE course is that it dedicates entire chapters to tips to monetize your accounts.

How to optimize your social presence?

Instagram has the most engagement rate compared to other social media platforms, but Facebook allows more effective ad targeting. Professionals mostly use LinkedIn, and Facebook has a large user base. So before starting any campaign, identify the target audience and then choose the right platform accordingly.

GBE will help you build an audience and then monetize that audience using different methods. The best way to make money on Instagram is by promoting your products and services. You can use hashtags like #sponsored, #ad, etc., in the post so that people come to know about it. Another method which many influencers follow is affiliate marketing.

If you have a passion and want to make money online, it can be an excellent method because it is not tedious like some other methods like blogging or dropshipping. If you are serious about succeeding online, you need to know the tools to make it happen, and GBE will give you many such tools.


This training is an excellent option for those looking to grow their Instagram following. It’s very comprehensive and teaches how to build an Instagram presence. If you’re into Instagram, it is best to start with the course. While you’ll be learning how to make money with Instagram, you’ll also be gaining expertise in how to become a successful influencer. You’ll learn about how to grow your audience and what to post.

It’s not a perfect fit for all people. It would help if you were comfortable getting in front of the camera and talking to your audience. You will also need to be creative and a little bit of a risk-taker. It will be a lot of hard work in the beginning because the first few followers are hard to get. However, once you start to get some followers, it will trigger a snowball effect, and you will begin to gain followers a lot more quickly.

Chandra Shekar

I'm a tech enthusiast who loves exploring the world of digital marketing and blogging. Sharing my thoughts to help others make the most out of their online presence. Come join me on this journey to discover the latest trends in technology and digital media.

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