
In this article, The process of switching over to digital technologies to create and modify new business opportunities to meet the world’s changing trends and requirements is digitalization. Moving gracefully and confidently from an old direction towards a better and useful of improved ways of technologies and a new modern version is called a digital transformation.

This has redefined the methodology of a company’s operations. The transformation is absolute change in the field of data technology uses of an organisation.

Importance of digital transformation

Digital technologies are employed in order to build more sustainable relationships and have a better understanding of the demands of the market. The transformation is essential for moving the business force forward. The targeted business goals can easily be achieved by the use of digital transformation.

With the evolution of the format of technology it is necessary that businesses should also evolve to keep up the pace with the growing world. The collection of resources can help you and your company adapt to technological advances and ultimately change how you do business. The transformation not only includes the switching of technology but also stresses at improved managerial, accounting and working skills. Digital transformation can refer to anything from modernization, to digital optimization, to the invention of new digital business models or anything and everything.

Classification of digital transformation

The project and opportunities of digital transformation can be described into these mentioned categories.

  1. Revolutionizing the company’s culture.
  2. Taking advantage of the information floating everywhere in the market.
  3. Replacing all the old techniques and new techniques.
  4. Switching of the business model.
  5. Improving the operational practices.
  6. Optimising the customer satisfaction.
  7. Increasing productivitywith less labour costs.

One should be ready to understand that upgrading of the technology should be accompanied with the digitalised thinking of the employees. Then only can digitalization meet its worth and can provoke expected returns.

The creativity to do remarkable improvement in a unique, isolated way and then daring to pursue the decision is actually digital transformation.

Prominent components of digital transformation

  1. Process of transformation: Transformation means implementing a whole new body of techniques that enable completely new processes. This is time saving and the burden of employees is lowered and thus making their tasks more efficient and motivating.
  2. Transforming operations: The addition of technologies result in higher expectations of the clients of the business. But one should be patient and keep running at the speed of the business, no matter what happens. Indeed that is a real
  3. Reduced labour costs: Using the new and updated technologies may help you to reduce the labour cost and increase the productivity of labour.
  4. Relationship process of business and clients: Transformation has an incredible effect upon the reaction of customers interacting with your firm and these affect the customers at every level.
  5. Competitive market: With digital transformation the competition in the market has consistently increased. Thus the profitability and the stability of the market have also remarkably improved.

Why is transformation important

  • Greater resource management
  • Optimized data analysis
  • Greater customer-centric insights
  • Remarkably increasing profits
  • Enhance productivity
  • Increase agility of business
  • Improved collaboration with digital culture
  • Better customer experiences and interest

Digital transformation is not a departmental or a functional unit. It encircles every aspect and even the minor details of the enterprises and can lead to innovative and efficient units.

Challenges with digital transformation

  • Consolidated work flow due to the integration of various systems of organisations is becoming a great challenge to the business houses. Data management and security protocols are proving to be a major challenge for the organisations.
Impact of digitalization
  1. Improved technology
  2. Effective demand of consumers
  3. Behavioural impact of customers
  4. Increase productivity with low costs of labour

The customers form the foundation of a digital transformation needed to be done.

Digital transformation is important because it allows organizations to adapt to ever-changing industries and continually improve how they operate. Resistance to change is a human instinct.

Digital product management is about knowing your industry and designing products that serve it.

An effective strategy works wonders in digital transformation.


As technology awards so shall business. Digital transformation awards the business why experimentation with new techniques and reviving your present approach towards even the minor issues. For a better effect it should be adopted as a continuous adaptation towards the changing environment.

Some of the most common technologies businesses use to enable digital transformations:

  1. Mobile phones and apps
  2. Cloud computing
  3. Internet of Things
  4. Digital twins
  5. Intelligence/machine learning.

The innovation pillar focuses on creating space for collaboration and new ideas. Innovation supports digital transformation by encouraging businesses to find creative solutions to problems.