Who are the Easiest Characters to Cosplay as?

So, your friends are all attending a Cosplay convention and you are being dragged along. How can you get away with seeming like you are taking part without spending a bunch of cash? There are plenty of characters who are easy to emulate with items you probably already own. We’ve compiled a few of the easiest characters for you below, and don’t worry if you can’t get every detail right!

L Lawliet from Death Note

L Lawliet from Death Note

You don’t need many items to look like L – a long sleeved white shirt, pair of jeans, and a ton of eyeshadow and hair gel. Surely anybody can manage that! On the show, L never even wears shoes, but I would definitely recommend wearing some if you are going to a convention… some details are just impractical for the real world.

Once you’ve got the outfit together, remember you need to get the mannerisms right too if you truly want to look like the character! Again, it’s easy – always sit with your knees against your body with your feet overlapping. Oh, and don’t forget to keep your thumb close to your mouth whenever possible, too. And that’s it! You are L!

The Moon Princess Sisters from Play’n’Go’s “Moon Princess”

Moon princes

Let’s not forget that anime has now inspired many other forms of entertainment – it is no longer just a form of Japanese animation, but a style all of its own. Look no further than Play’N’Go’s “Moon Princess” slot for proof of this, which is clearly inspired by the anime series “Sailor Moon”. There are dozens more examples of such slot games amongst the pages of online casinos, so it should definitely worth to try them.

Fashionable ladies should have no problem finding a mini skirt, with color coordinated shoes, and tied scarf. Combine these with a simple white vest top, elbow length white gloves. And knee length socks and you have the perfect moon princess look that will make you the talk of the convention!

Rin Toosaka from Fate/Stay Night

Rin Toosaka from

Rin is a great character to cosplay as, because not only is she easy to emulate, but you’ll look sexy too! The first thing you will need to get your hands on is a red turtleneck sweater. Try your local charity shops if you don’t have one already. Next, you’ll need to find a black pleated skirt and some thigh-high black leggings – both are easy to find dirt cheap on eBay if you are really stuck! Finally, brown loafers, black ribbons for your hair, and a very large cross necklace are all you need to complete the look.

Assuming you have long hair already, you might want to die it black if you really want to look like Rin – but if your hair is brown, I’d say that’s close enough. If you are blonde, you might have a problem. You should also watch a few episodes of Rin’s shows to get an idea of her attitude too – it’s a little… different, shall we say.

Yato from Noragami

Yato from Noragami

Ah, this truly is one for the lazy/cheap among you. Then again, not everybody owns a black tracksuit, so you may have to get down the charity shop to find one of those. Ideally it should have a single white line down the side though you are much more likely to find cheap adidas rip offs with two stripes. Close enough, I think!

You’ll also need a white t-shirt, a white/light blue triangle scarf, and … brown knee-high boots??? Yup, it’s a strange ensemble for sure, but perhaps that’s the reason just dressing as him is enough? There are no mannerisms to copy, no attitude to mimic. You’re just a strange looking dude wearing sexy boots with a tracksuit. Enjoy yourself won’t you…!

Kaonashi (No Face) from Sen to Chihiro no Kamakushi (Spirited Away)


This one does feel like a bit of a cheeky inclusion but hey – the title of the article does ask who the easiest characters to play are, doesn’t it? It can’t get much easier than this BUT be warned – you are going to need child level arts and craft skills to complete the look. Hopefully that won’t rule you out!

So, how to look like Kaonashi? Get yourself a large black sheet and some black gloves. Oh, and grab a paper plate, some scissors, and a gray marker while your out too … you may even have all this just lying around the house, in which case it’s only going to take you five minutes to transform yourself into your new anime persona.

And let’s be honest, nobody is ever going to mistake this for a regular outfit – even if you mess it up and people don’t know who you are (seems unlikely) they certainly are going to know you are Cosplaying as SOMEONE.

OK, now let’s do the actual transformation – throw the sheet over your head to work out the best spot for the plate. Hold the paper plate over your face, and remove the sheet, being sure not to let the plate move. Now, you need to cut a hole in the sheet where the paper plate is going to go – fabric glue of some kind might be the best bet, although you could YOLO it with a needle and thread – just be sure to get white thread and hide the back side under the face area of the sheet. If you have an arts and crafts shop nearby, a few of those brass fasteners which split into two would work well also.

Oh yes… almost forgot. You need to transform the plate into No Face’s…. Face! Use the scissors to create a mouth and a couple of eye holes, then use the grey marker to draw lines above and below and the eyeholes… and your done! When you are ready to go just throw your sheet over your head and away you go

Chandra Shekar

I'm a tech enthusiast who loves exploring the world of digital marketing and blogging. Sharing my thoughts to help others make the most out of their online presence. Come join me on this journey to discover the latest trends in technology and digital media.

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