Uppermost and supremo transcription softwares of 2022


Over the number of years in the past anyone who wanted to record what was heard or seen in the video or audio file had to take a pen or get to the keyboard and type or note it down. Luckily, things have changed greatly today. There is no need in doing that anymore thanks to the emerging and popularization of automated transcription service. The current market offers a great deal of the mentioned type of services and sometimes it is quite complicated to choose the best one. Let’s try to have a look together and decide which one is right and perfect for dealing with the above mentioned task.

Our article will be a great help for those who are interested in finding out more about transcription and its definition and meaning itself, advantages of using a professional transcription service. Also you will be able to read the comparison and description of those being on the market today.

What is the definition of transcription?

The process of transcription assumes that the voice taken from a video or audio file will be recorded in writing so that it was clear and understandable what was and what wasn’t said. Modern transcription services also provide their users with a great possibility to put a timing mark so that the time of everything said in the file was clearly seen as well.

Why transcription services are used?

One can find and indicate numerous reasons proving the advantage and benefit of using professional transcription service instead of doing the audio transcription manually at home on your own.  We will try to review and understand the main causes of the popularity of transcription software as well as of what makes companies to depend on transcription as a really important and essential part of their activity.

Not so much manual operation

It is not that easy to do a transcription manually and it might turn out to be quite more advanced and sophisticated than it appeared at first. You may find it difficult to understand the words that were said, or who they were said by or when and where that was done. Yes, all those things might be quite hard even when dealing with a clear audio file, but can you imagine how hard it is to do it with the recording of a low quality with lots of various noises and sounds? If you do not fancy devoting loads of your free time and nerves to this difficult and time and effort consuming process, trust it to the professionals on the market.

Faster work completion time

Usually if an audio is transcribed by professionals in their field, it takes a few hours of your time to cope with one audio hour, but if this task is allocated to a non-experienced person, she or he might waste up to eight hours of her or his life on performing that tiring task. So, if you do not feel like sitting all day long transcribing just one hour of your audio, trust is to the professionals at https://transcriberry.com/automated/ that will eagerly do your job fast and at high quality performance level. And you can devote your free time to some more pleasant and useful things.

Smaller number of mistakes

It happens quite often that you have to transcribe an audio of a very low and poor quality so that it is really complicated and tough or sometimes even impossible to hear and understand the meaning of what is said in it. It might turn into a real nightmare if there are a few people speaking at the same time or if there are some not necessary extra sounds. Moreover these people can have different accents or murmur words making the process of transcribing exhausting and extremely complicated.

Dealing with such stressful materials is easy as ABC for professional and best transcribers at https://gotranscript.com/upload/transcriptions who have enough experience and knowledge to cope with that kind of material.  Professional transcription service can give you a hand in making the number of mistakes much smaller so that in the end you get a precise and high quality record of all the things that were said in the original file.


If you calculate and estimate how much time is needed for a regular person who has never dealt with the process of transcription before, you will understand that it is better to devote this task to a professional so that to save both time, money and your nerves. Transcribing a one hour audio file may take you the whole day especially if you are doing it for the first time. So, think twice whether it is what you want to do all day long or maybe there are some more useful and interesting things to do in your life.

Of course you can pass off this assignment to one of your employees, but again he or she can spend this time on doing something more efficient and profitable. Therefore even though you have to pay for transcription service it turns out to be a really cost-effective solution for those who need to transcribe speech to text online without wasting too much of their precious time.

Time mark

You will definitely agree that having a time mark in your file or document is a really helpful thing which allows you to refer back to a certain time in the audio to reference what was said. It has a special significance for the file of such areas as medicine, law, technology, for example https://thoughtsmag.com/why-does-your-computer-get-so-many-viruses/ and so on.

Do not even try to put time marks in the files yourself because you are going to waste a huge amount of your time in that case. Use a professional transcription service instead and you will be provided with an exact and precise file indicating what, when and where was said.

What is the process of transcription like?

It is impossible to make the right choice of a perfect transcription provider if you do not know and do not understand all the peculiarities of the process itself and do not know how to https://thoughtsmag.com/important-features-to-keep-your-business-running-smoothly/. It should be specified that this process is quite long and it starts as soon as you send your files to the provider and finishes after getting the ready files back.

Stage 1: During the first step you record the audio when having a business meeting, an interview, making a call to a customer. For that you can use various tools including a hand-held digital recorder and up to a special iPhone app. Bear in mind that it is highly advisable to record the audio in a high quality.

Today popular transcription companies work with multiple and all possible formats of audio and video files. In case you have an unusual or some kind of specific format it is recommended to check it and consult your services provider whether they deal with it or not and can properly transcribe it. Do not forget to specify the time limit you have and indicate the date you want to have your order done.

Afterward the file goes to the transcriptionist who is listening to it and typing what exactly they hear.

Step 2: As soon as the transcription is completed by a transcriptionist, the typed file is given to another person in charge of reviewing this document at https://www.transcribeme.com/transcription-services/. This process is called quality assurance and it guarantees that your order will be completed at the best quality rate.

This step cannot be skipped or omitted because it is an essential requirement for those who want to get the end file of the best quality.

Step 3: As soon as your file was proofread and underwent double-check it is sent to you. There can be used various digital forms and versions as well as it might be printed on paper. Also in most cases your file will be stored in an archive of a service provider in case you would like to get it again in the future.

That’s it! Your transcribed file is ready in a short timeline and a high performance and efficiency level made by human generated transcripts.

Is there a difference between transcription services or are all of them the same?

Of course all these services cannot be called the same, they are different for sure. For example, some of them are performed on the basis of manual transcription while others use machine help. They also differ greatly in the quality level, pricing and convenience.

Is there a transcription service we could recommend?

The answer to that question will definitely be YES! If we were asked that question our answer would definitely tell you about transcriberry.com which is considered to be the number one service in the field in the year 2022. What makes it so special? First of all it is the uppermost and primary quality, the best level of preciseness, the shortest time o performance and the best money policy which is worthily considered

Chandra Shekar

I'm a tech enthusiast who loves exploring the world of digital marketing and blogging. Sharing my thoughts to help others make the most out of their online presence. Come join me on this journey to discover the latest trends in technology and digital media.