Understanding the concept of term insurance

Term life insurance is an essential financial policy that protects your family’s financial future in the case of your unexpected death. Term insurance, unlike whole life insurance, offers coverage for a fixed time period. If the policyholder dies during this period, the beneficiaries get a death benefit, which provides financial help when it is most needed.

Reasons to avail of a term insurance policy

  Financial security for the family

The basic purpose of term life insurance is to ensure financial stability for your family members in your absence. The payment in lump sum form or monthly payouts can help cover daily living expenses such as food, household upkeep and energy bills, allowing your family member’s regular life to continue as usual. Also, it assists you in attaining long-term financial goals like saving or investing for retirement or building a contingency fund to cover the gap due to income shortage. This helps preserve the lifestyle you have worked hard to attain for your family members and assures their future stability.


The affordability of term insurance policies originates from their straightforwardness and simplicity. This uncomplicated structure results in cheaper rates than other life insurance instruments that integrate savings or investment schemes. For example, a young person in good health can acquire considerable coverage at a cheap cost, making term insurance an excellent alternative for individuals just starting professions or families. This pricing democratises access to life insurance, making it an attractive alternative for people of all income levels.

  Debt protection

The death benefit of term insurance can be an important component in managing debts following the policyholder’s death. For instance, if you have a home loan, your family could use the death benefit to pay off the mortgage, thereby ensuring that they can continue to live in their home without the stress of ongoing large payments. Similarly, for personal or car loans, the insurance payout can help settle these debts, preventing them from becoming a financial burden for your family and protecting their assets.

  Income replacement

For families reliant on a single income or where one person is the primary earner, the loss of that income can be devastating. Term insurance plans acts as a financial safety net, providing a sum that can help sustain the family’s standard of living. This could mean continuing to afford necessities without having to make significant lifestyle changes, such as moving to a less expensive home or cutting back on educational expenses.

  Education for children

Education expenses, especially higher education, can be significant. Term insurance guarantees that your children’s educational objectives are not jeopardised. The death benefit can cover expenditures such as school, college, or specialist courses, ensuring that your children’s academic path continues and they reach their full potential.

  Tax advantages

The premiums paid for term insurance provide not just life protection but also tax benefits, making it an effective financial instrument. These premiums are deducted from your taxable income under Section 80C of the Indian Income Tax Act, which lowers your overall tax bill. This benefit might be especially beneficial for people with higher tax rates because it offers both financial safety and tax savings.

  Riders and add-ons

Riders are supplementary benefits which can be added to your normal term insurance policy to provide further protection. For example, a critical illness rider provides a payout on the diagnosis of certain illnesses, while an accidental death rider offers an additional sum in case of death due to an accident. These riders can be customised based on your lifestyle, occupation, and health risks, making your insurance coverage more comprehensive.


With term insurance, you may select the policy duration that best matches your life stage and financial commitments. For example, if you are a young parent, a longer period may be more suited for your children’s development and schooling. If you’re getting closer to retirement, a shorter term may be more appropriate. This flexibility allows you to match your insurance coverage to your expected financial needs, ensuring that you are not over- or under-insured.

  Mental peace

Term insurance coverage provides vital security. It alleviates concerns about your family’s financial well-being while you are away. This mental peace is essential, allowing you to enjoy life with your family while knowing that they will be financially secure.

  Ease of process

The digitalisation of the insurance industry has made purchasing and managing term insurance more user-friendly. Online platforms can easily offer a wealth of information, allowing you to compare policies, understand features, and make informed decisions from the comfort of your home. Additionally, online management of policies has made it easier to pay premiums, update personal information, and even file claims, streamlining what used to be a cumbersome process.

Factors to consider before availing of a term insurance plan

  Policy term

The term should extend until the age at which you expect your financial responsibilities to diminish. For instance, until retirement age or until your children are financially independent.

  Coverage amount

The coverage should be sufficient to cover your family’s future expenses and financial obligations. A general rule of thumb is to have a cover 10-15 times your annual income.

  Premium payment options

Choose a premium payment schedule which suits your financial situation – whether it’s a regular monthly payment or a lump-sum annual payment.


Inflation reduces the value of money over time. Opt for a plan that offers an increasing sum assured or one that factors in inflation, ensuring the death benefit remains adequate over the years.

  Claim settlement ratio

This ratio indicates the insurer’s reliability in settling claims. A higher ratio means a better chance of your family’s claim being approved without hassle.

  Financial stability of insurer

Select an insurer with a strong financial background and good market reputation to ensure reliability and stability.

  Policy terms and conditions

Understand the fine print, including exclusions, waiting periods, and other terms and conditions, to avoid surprises at the time of a claim.

  Customer support

Good customer service is crucial, especially during the claim process. Choose an insurer known for its customer support efficiency and responsiveness.

  Riders and benefits

Carefully evaluate additional riders and assess whether they align with your needs. These could include coverage for critical illness, accidental death, or disability.

  Premium rates

Premiums might vary dramatically amongst insurers. Compare plans to guarantee you obtain a cheap pricing without sacrificing coverage.

Importance of term insurance calculator

An online term insurance calculator is a crucial instrument in your decision-making procedure. It permits you to estimate the apt sum insured and the premium you should pay. By endowing financial and personal data, you might have a better understanding of the insurance’s cost and coverage, permitting you to make a well-informed decision depending on your circumstances and needs. This instrument makes the difficult procedure of choosing the right term plan comprehensible and simple to everyone.

Ending note

Term life insurance is more than a policy; it is a commitment to your family’s future. With careful analysis and the help of tools such as the term insurance calculator, you get the assurance that this duty is addressed with the best possible financial plan.

Chandra Shekar

I'm a tech enthusiast who loves exploring the world of digital marketing and blogging. Sharing my thoughts to help others make the most out of their online presence. Come join me on this journey to discover the latest trends in technology and digital media.