pest-control at home

There’s nothing worse than walking into your kitchen and seeing bugs on the counter or a rat munching on food in your pantry. Not only is it jarring, it’s gross. While it might seem to be nearly impossible to keep pests out 100% of the time, here’s a quick look at a few ways to rid your home of them once and for all.

Keeping Pests Out

Bugs and rodents like your home for the same reasons you do. They like shelter, water, and food. If they’re able to find these things in your home, they’ll not hesitate to move in. There are many different rodents and bugs that can find their way into your home, and at various times of the year. Rodent proofing and calling an exterminator out can help.

Clean Your Kitchen

Did you know that you’re not the only one perusing the pantry can kitchen counter for a late-night snack? Rodents and bugs do the same thing, looking for things like spices, popcorn, dried fruits, crackers, and cereals in the kitchen

Make sure that your food is always stored in containers that are tightly sealed or in small packages that you can use in a brief period of time. Also, ensure that your counters and floors are clear and clean from crumbs. 

Don’t Let Them Feel at Home

Small gaps around your front door and tiny tears in your window screens act like massive “Welcome!” signs It’s important to seal up window screen tears and door gaps if you want to keep pests out. It can seem an enormous task to keep them out all of the time but doing things like this can truly help. That can also save on your energy bills as it will keep out cool drafts. 

Keep It Dry

Pests aren’t just looking for food in your home, they also want water. In fact, some pests prefer places that are damp. Take care of these damp places by fixing any pipes, drains, or faucets that leak. Ensure that your air conditioner, dryer, and washer are all in good working order too. In those areas of your home that tend to be damp, such as the basement, use a dehumidifier. Also, don’t forget to make sure the attic is dry.

Sweep and Clean

Keeping your house clean also keeps pests away, especially in your kitchen where crumbs and food live. Empty your trash cans on a regular basis and vacuum once a week. Keep your bathroom and kitchen sink clean too. Use drain cleaner on a regular basis so that pests like drain flies won’t become a problem. Avoid stacking up things like cardboard boxes, magazines, and newspapers because cockroaches like hanging out in them.

Clean Up Outside

Stacks of firewood, yard waste, and compost bins are all good hiding places for pests that might decide to make the move indoors. Make sure if you do have these things that they’re away from the house. Before you bring any firewood in, look for bugs that might be hitching a ride. Get rid of any standing water in your yard because this can be a breeding ground for things like mosquitoes. Keep your flower beds free from weeds and any plant debris that can provide a harbor for insects. Also, keep any plant branches around the foundation of the house pruned. 

If you want to stop small insect problems from becoming larger ones inside, control them as soon as you can. You might use a combination of baits and aerosols and even those pest sprays that come with spray wands. Just be sure to follow all instructions. You can use things like this to create a barrier for pests inside the house around the doors, windows, and even along baseboards. All of these things combined should keep your home as free from pests as possible.