Affiliate management software

In recent years, many active Internet users are increasingly starting to do business online, looking for customers, and selling their goods or services through their marketing network. In such cases, the owners of satraps, especially at an early stage of development of their company, do not always reach the planned indicators for the sale of goods and profit. With our Affiliate management software, each customer will be able to increase the quality of their business, find reliable partners, collect sales statistics and receive valuable recommendations, which will help increase investments in the shortest possible time.

What opportunities does Affiliate management software provide?

Each customer who decides to subscribe to our software, as well as choose the tariff plan he is interested in, gets access to the following functionality of our platform:

  • When you join the platform, you automatically start the partnership program but do not lose control over your brand or product.
  • The user gets the opportunity to create his unique table with statistics of his sales, turnover for a certain period, profits, and other indicators. All current updates are recorded in the rows of the table, and the columns indicate some quality indicators, according to the business plan.
  • The function of visualizing the content of the statistics of the business owner online is available, for potential or active partners and other interested parties.
  • The user can independently correct the table at any time by adjusting, editing, adding new, or deleting unnecessary columns.
  • The owner of the tariff plan can choose which columns will be available for the manager, webmaster, partner, or other persons. He can open or hide the necessary information from prying eyes if he considers it confidential.
  • The user has access to such static indicators as sales volume per day, week, month, or for another period, revenue and profit, conversion rates, as well as achievement of results according to the business plan. In addition to these parameters, other information is also available to the owner of the tariff plan, which guarantees an increase in sales efficiency and profit growth with a quick payback.

Our Affiliate management software guarantees a quick search for clients, an increase in sales, the ability to choose your marketing plan and policy, active assistance in providing recommendations based on the results of compiling statistics in the affiliate program, in the form of a response to a request from a customer, as well as choosing the most convenient method of settlement.

Main advantages of our Affiliate management software

Our online platform is in active demand among large and small representatives of online businesses, due to the following undeniable advantages over similar platform providers for affiliate management:

  • The user has the opportunity to increase sales, promote the popularity of his product or service, attract partners, and test them without investing his own money since the Affiliate management system works for him to develop brand marketing. At the same time, the user can independently choose payment methods and other options convenient for him.
  • The user no longer needs to delve into long and laborious statistics with his own hands or overpay money for hiring people for outsourcing. All he needs to do is simply send his written request to us online, forming the boundary conditions. Our experts will issue a prompt response to the subject of meeting the conditions of a pre-drawn business plan for the implementation of a product or service.
  • Each new user, immediately after the launch of his project, automatically gets access to an online chat, where a personal manager answers any question, satisfies the request, provides the necessary statistics, and makes recommendations. Technical support is available during business hours.
  • In addition to the advantages described, we also present our customers with a 14-day free trial version of our software, during the operation of which, they will be able to understand exactly which tariff plan to choose later, as well as understand all the intricacies of setting up the program.
  • Our developers have thought through the interface to the smallest detail. Thus, every business owner can use the platform, regardless of his education and experience, as well as the type of products sold.

To order a demo version of our software, just visit our telegram channel, where you can find a lot of useful information about tariff plans, and features of our website, as well as learn various nuances and subtleties. Here you can also leave a request for a trial version, and we will gladly provide it for 2 weeks.

How to use our Affiliate management software?

To start a business with our affiliate management software, you only need to follow a few very simple steps listed below:

  • It should be noted right away that you pay for the most convenient tariff plan only after launching your leak, when the necessary table has been compiled, by your wishes and requirements, and the manager has configured it for you.
  • You can always create a table from scratch, or import an existing database into our software. To form rows and columns, it is enough to study the icons and create the necessary table.
  • Further, the user forms an online request for our specialists, which is reviewed and processed as soon as possible.
  • The manager of our platform contacts you immediately after studying the request, if necessary, provides full consultation, and describes our capabilities and nuances, the conditions for working with the system.
  • The manager sets up your table through the server, corrects errors, and issues recommendations for efficient work.
  • Upon completion of these works, it remains only to activate the trial version of the software product, or select the tariff plan you are interested in and pay for it to successfully launch the project.

For our customers, we offer 4 convenient tariff plans – “Lite”, which costs $250 per month, with 5,000 conversions included, “Pro”, $500, 50,000 conversions, “Business”, $1,000, 250,000 conversions, or a unique program for the largest online business – an individual tariff with a cost of $ 5,000, and the number of conversions is chosen by the user.

Chandra Shekar

I'm a tech enthusiast who loves exploring the world of digital marketing and blogging. Sharing my thoughts to help others make the most out of their online presence. Come join me on this journey to discover the latest trends in technology and digital media.