Marketing plan

As a small business owner, you can’t afford to waste time and money on marketing efforts that don’t produce results. That’s why it’s important to create a marketing plan that will help you reach your target market and achieve your business goals.

Set the goals, set the deadlines, stick to your task schedule, analyze what works. Keep adjusting your strategies and you can’t go wrong in the long run.

Here are some tips for creating a marketing plan that works:

1. Define Your Target Market

Who are your potential customers? What needs do they have that your product or service can address? When you know who you’re marketing to, you can create messages that resonated with them.

How to Define Your Target Market

When you are starting a business, it is important to have a clear understanding of who your target market is. This will help you to determine your marketing strategies and objectives. There are a number of ways to define your target market.

  • Identify your ideal customer

Think about who your ideal customer would be. What are their demographics? What are their needs and wants? and what motivates them? By understanding your ideal customer, you will be able to better target your marketing efforts.

  • Look at your current customer base

Who are your current customers? Why do they buy from you? What needs do they have that you can help them with? Understanding your current customers can give you insights into who your target market should be.

  • Analyze your competition

Who is your competition targeting? What are their marketing strategies? You can learn a lot about your target market by studying your competition.

  • Conduct market research

There are many different ways to conduct market research. You can do surveys, interviews, focus groups, or research online. This will help you to get a better understanding of who your target market is and what they are looking for.

2. Set Achievable Goals

What do you want to achieve with your marketing efforts? Do you want to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, or generate leads? Make sure your goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

How to Set Achievable (SMART) Goals

As a business owner, you are always looking for ways to improve your company’s bottom line. One way to do this is to set achievable goals in your marketing plan. But what exactly are SMART goals? And how can you set them so that you increase your chances of achieving them?

SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.


Specific goals are those that are clearly defined and focused. The dos and don’ts of Specific goals:

  • Use unambiguous language
  • Focus on a single result or objective
  • Make sure the goal is small and manageable


Measurable goals are those that can be quantified. That is, you can track and measure progress towards the goal. The dos and don’ts of Measurable goals:

  • Choose metrics that are appropriate for the goal
  • Make sure the metrics are quantifiable
  • Set benchmarks for measuring progress


Achievable goals are those that are realistic and achievable. The dos and don’ts of Achievable goals:

  • Set goals that challenge you but are still achievable
  • Consider your resources and capabilities when setting goals
  • Build in some flexibility to account for the unexpected


Relevant goals are those that are aligned with your company’s mission and vision. The dos and don’ts of Relevant goals:

  • Make sure the goal is relevant to your business
  • Consider your target market when setting goals
  • Set goals that are achievable but still challenging


Time-bound goals are those that have a deadline. The dos and fonts of Time-bound goals:

  • Set a timeframe for achieving the goal
  • Make sure the timeline is realistic
  • Build in some flexibility to account for the unexpected

3. Identify Your Marketing Mix

What marketing channels will you use to reach your target market? Will you use online or offline methods, or a combination of both?

How to  Identify your marketing mix

There are a variety of ways to identify your marketing mix. Here are some common methods:

  1. The 4Ps approach: Product, Price, Place, Promotion.
  2. The 7Ps approach: Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Physical environment, Processes.
  3. The 3Cs approach: Company, Customers, Competitors.
  4. The 5Cs approach: Customer needs and wants, Company capabilities, Competition, Collaborators, Climate.
  5. The 8Ps approach: Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Physical environment, Processes, Performance.
  6. The 4Es approach: Event, Experience, Exhibition, Education.
  7. The 4Ps + 3Cs approach: Product, Price, Place, Promotion, Company, Customers, Competitors.
  8. The 4As approach: Awareness, Acquisition, Action, Advocacy.
  9. The 7Ms framework: Mission statement, Money (financial resources), Market research, Manufacturing process, Management team, Marketing mix (4Ps), Measurement and evaluation.
  10. The 4Hs framework: History, Heritage, Honor, Humanity.
  11. The 5Is framework: Identification, Integrity, Imagination, Inspiration, Implementation.
  12. The 6Cs framework: Creativity, Customer service, Competitiveness, Community involvement, Communications, Cost.
  13. The 4S approach: Social media, Search engine optimization, Sponsorships, and Sales.
  14. The 3P approach: Profit (financial resources), People (customers and employees), Planet (sustainability).
  15. The 4C approach: Customers, Company, Competitors, and Collaborators.
  16. The 4I approach: Innovation, Investment, Infrastructure, and Institution.
  17. The 4S approach: Society, Solutions, Services, and Sustainability.
  18. The 5C approach: Communication, Coordination, Cooperation, Creativity, and Cost-effectiveness.
  19. The 4R approach: Research, Relationships, Results, and Recognition.
  20. The 5W2H approach: Who, What, When, Where, Why, How, How Much.

Yes, there are many approaches and numerous methods to identify your marketing mix. The important thing is to use a method that makes sense for you and your company.

There is no “right” or “wrong” way to do it. Just choose a method that you are comfortable with and that will help you generate the best results for your business.

4. Create a Budget

How much can you afford to spend on marketing? Make sure you allocate enough resources to achieve your goals.

How to Create a Budget

If you’re like most small business owners, you probably don’t have a ton of money to spend on marketing. That’s why it’s important to create a budget for your marketing plan.

There are a few different ways to approach creating a budget for your marketing plan. You can either use a percentage of your overall budget, or you can use a fixed amount.

The percentage method is pretty straightforward. You simply take a certain percentage of your overall budget and allocate it towards marketing. For example, if you have a $100,000 budget, you could allocate 10% of that towards marketing, which would give you a $10,000 marketing budget.

The fixed amount method is a bit more complicated. With this method, you’ll need to estimate how much you think you’ll need to spend on marketing in order to reach your goals. This can be tricky, but it’s important to be as accurate as possible.

Once you’ve decided which method you’re going to use, it’s time to start allocating your budget. The first step is to figure out what kind of marketing you want to do. There are a lot of different options, so it’s important to choose the ones that will work best for your business.

Some common types of marketing include:
  • Social media marketing
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Content marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Paid advertising

That’s it.  Now you know how to create a budget for your marketing plan. Just remember to be realistic and take the time to research the different options before you allocate your budget.

5. Develop a Timeline

When do you need to see results? Map out a schedule for implementing and monitoring your marketing activities.

How to Develop a Timeline

As you develop your marketing plan, it’s important to create a timeline of your planned activities. This will help you stay on track and ensure that your marketing efforts are focused and effective.

Here’s how to develop a timeline for your marketing plan:

  • Determine your overall objectives.

What are you trying to achieve with your marketing plan? Be specific.

  • Break down your objectives into smaller, more manageable goals.

What steps do you need to take to achieve your overall objectives?

  • Create a timeline for each goal.

When do you want to achieve each goal? Make sure to allow enough time for each task and consider any dependencies that may impact your timeline.

  • Assign responsibility for each task.

Who will be responsible for each task? Make sure to involve the appropriate team members and stakeholders in your plan.

  • Create a system for tracking progress.

How will you track progress towards each goal? This could include creating milestones, setting up reporting mechanisms, or utilizing project management software.

What You Get from a Well-Designed Marketing Plan

The best marketing plans are designed to achieve specific objectives within a specified timeframe.

A well-designed marketing plan will provide a roadmap for how you can reach your target market, what kind of messaging they will respond to, and what kind of channels you should use to reach them. It will also help you track your progress along the way so that you can make necessary adjustments.

By following these tips, you can create a marketing plan that will help you reach your target market and achieve your business goals.