How to Write a Winning Essay – 3 Things That You Must Master

Thinking about getting an excellent grade on the essay you’ve been provided by the college?

Well, then, you have a lot of work to do. And that would have to start with your understanding of how to write and structure an essay. Hopefully, this article can help you with that.

But if you want to take the easier way, you may also opt for someone like Ivory Research.

They are the experts in the craft and, therefore, can offer an impeccable write-up. And they’ll do the checking and editing as well. So, there’s no need to worry about anything.

Writing an Essay – How to Get Started?

When it comes to writing an essay, the first thing that you need to focus on is the title. It needs to be short, contextual, engaging, and eye-catching. While you are conjuring something good, you will need to focus on three things, including the following –

  • It should be centered on the keyword of your essay or article. It could be anything that you have focused on answering while writing your paper.
  • The title of the essay must be created in such a way so that it’s understandable to any individual reading it. Make sure that it doesn’t have any difficult wording at all.
  • Finally, you will also need to ensure that the title isn’t giving away too much information about the article. It has to be concise enough to create a sense of intrigue.

Once you’ve mastered the base of the essay (i.e. the title), I’ll ask you to focus on a few more points accordingly. Get to the next section to learn more about the same.

The ‘Other’ Important Parts of an Essay

Once you are done with the title, the next thing you must focus on is the structure of the essay. Here are a few components that should be included in this aspect.

Component – 1: Development of the Thesis

The thesis is going to be the essence of your article. It will personify the point you’re trying to prove or the claim you are going to make. The entirety of your essay will revolve around this central idea that you have pitched in the thesis. So, you have to develop it correctly.

But how would you do it?

So, your thesis statement is going to consist of only one (in some cases, two) sentence. Hence, it will need to be concise, proper, and engaging.  In order to excel in this aspect, you will need to check if your thesis is answering the following questions or not –

  • Have you introduced the thesis clearly in the introductory paragraph?
  • Does the body of the essay support the thesis statement that you have written?
  • Will the conclusion of your essay show how well you’ve proven the thesis?

If the answer to all of these questions is ‘yes,’ then you are on the right track, my friend.

Component – 2: Using a Strong Format

A professional essay must always be presented in a logical and structured order. 

And for that reason, it’d be important for you to focus on the formatting more. Here’s how the entire thing should look like –

  • Your essay will start with a concise yet engaging introductory paragraph. You’ll need to ensure that it has adequate information to keep the reader intrigued with the article.
  • Once you’re done with it, you can move on to the next section – the body. Your writing should naturally flow from the introduction to this paragraph. Using various transition words and terms here might be beneficial for your purpose.
  • The conclusion should refer to everything that you have written in the entire essay. It’s going to be the tail of the essay. So, you have to end it on a positive note.

Component – 3: Focus on Your Style

Finally, you have to think about your style and focus on the same too. For example, if you are writing in a professional tone, you should ensure that you are using the same till the end. But, if you have started in a conversational manner, make sure to maintain that only.

Also, if you are writing an essay for your college, you should try to avoid going too casual or temperamental with your approach. Be professional, but use simple words to express yourself. Remember, you are writing for everyone. So, make sure that everyone understands you.

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I make my arguments persuasive?

A: To make your arguments persuasive, use logical reasoning, present supporting evidence (such as facts, statistics, or examples), anticipate counterarguments and address them, and appeal to the emotions and values of your audience.

Q: How important are proofreading and editing?

A: Proofreading and editing are crucial to ensure your essay is error-free and well-polished. Carefully review grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. Also, check for clarity, coherence, and overall effectiveness of your writing.

Q: What should I do if I have writer’s block?

A: If you experience writer’s block, take a break and clear your mind. Engage in activities that inspire creativity, such as reading, brainstorming, or discussing ideas with others. Setting small goals and breaking down the writing process can also help overcome writer’s block.

Q: How can I make my essay stand out?

A: To make your essay stand out, be original and unique in your ideas and approach. Use vivid language and descriptive details. Share personal experiences or anecdotes that relate to your topic. Incorporate relevant research and perspectives to provide depth and breadth to your arguments.

Q: Should I seek feedback on my essay?

A: Yes, it is highly recommended to seek feedback from trusted individuals, such as teachers, mentors, or peers. They can provide valuable insights, identify areas for improvement, and help you refine your essay.

Q: What should I do before submitting my essay?

A: Before submitting your essay, thoroughly revise and proofread it. Check for errors, coherence, and clarity. Ensure that your essay addresses the prompt and meets any specified guidelines or requirements. Take time to make any necessary changes before the deadline.

The Bottom Line

Are you interested in enhancing your essay-writing abilities? It’s crucial to pay attention to the aspects that your teacher will assess. While grades are significant, solely relying on them won’t lead to writing improvement. Instead, concentrate on enhancing the overall composition of your essays, including thesis development, form, style, conventions, and supporting evidence. Mastering these five elements will greatly elevate your scores.

Chandra Shekar

I'm a tech enthusiast who loves exploring the world of digital marketing and blogging. Sharing my thoughts to help others make the most out of their online presence. Come join me on this journey to discover the latest trends in technology and digital media.